
Requirements for submission of papers for "Economic Archive" journal.
1. Number of pages: minimum - 12 pages;
maximum - 20 pages.
2. Submission of papers:
a printout (paper) and an electronic version(CD);
abstracts of half a page;
Card of the author (s) with E-mail and GSM.
3. Technical specifications:
Word 7.0 (minimum);
page size A4, 29-31 lines and 60-65 characters per line;
font - Times New Roman 14 pt;
Margins - standard (Top - 1 "; Bottom - 1"; Left - 1,25 "; Right - 1,25" or Top - 2.54 cm .; Bottom - 2.54 cm; Left - 3.17 cm; Right - 3.17 cm);
page numbering - bottom right;
footers - size 10 pt;
graphs and figures - Power Point.
4. Design
Title of the article - font Times New Roman 14pt, in capital letters Bold - centered;
Name of the author (full name, initials of the surname and full surname) - font Times New Roman 13pt capital letters Bold – aligned to the right, academic degree, academic title;
On a new line - the names and addresses of organizations that are represented (employment); address, contact numbers and E-mail;
Two blank lines are left and a summary in Bulgarian / Abstract / in up to 15 lines is placed, applying the general requirements for the text in Italics
On a new line - the key words in Bulgarian and English should be placed on separate lines /Key words/ - descriptors according to the basic rules for the text in italics.
A blank line is left and the main text should be placed.
Tables, charts and figures should be inserted within the text;
Between the article text and the tables (respectively figures, charts and formulas) an empty space should be left. The text underneath should be centered, and after a space left, written in a smaller font Times New Roman 14 pt. The figures and the text within them should be written in font Times New Roman 12pt.
Formulas should be created with the Equation Editor or inserted as objects if created with special programs.
Declaration: download from here
Template: download from here