• Boyan Iliev
    Multiple Peril Risk Insurance of Agricultural Crops – a Myth or Reality
    JEL: G22, Q10
    Summary: The insurance of agricultural crops is a conservative type of insurance. It is quite rarely that radical organizational changes are introduced. Currently, however, conditions dictate the introduction ofthere are the necessary conditions such changes in the Republic of Bulgaria. Modern development of agricultural production is a prerequisite for changing the methodology of this type of insurance so as to adapt it to the demands of agricultural producers. This article develops the thesis that a similar change might be implemented by transforming the liability of insurance companies from a liability related to certain risks and losses to a liability referring to any risks and losses. In other words, it is possible to make the transition to the so-called multiple peril risk insurance. Multiple peril risk insurance is considered to be a novelty which has only recently been introduced in EU member-states with advanced economies. Therefore, it is the subject of large-scale discussions. The objective is to choose to introduce such an option that will best correspond to the specific features of the agricultural development and traditions in the Republic of Bulgaria and related insurance practice.
  • Stoyan Prodanov, Stefan Stanimirov
    Summary: The present study focuses on the development of the Bulgarian insurance market in the second decade of the XX century. It examines the issues of the relationship between the global financial sector, insurance and the phases of economic cycles; the debate on the importance of the financial sector and insurance for the economic development; the establishment of correlations and dependencies between the dynamics of GDP and the dynamics of the Gross Premium Income (GPI) in the general insurance sector in Bulgaria for the period 2007-2019, presenting prospective reflections and assessment of the impact of the global pandemic COVID-19 on the Bulgarian insurance market. The linear model in a realistic scenario forecasts a decline in GPI of 18.2%, in a GDP decline of 9.0%. An additional assessment and forecast made using the model is that a decrease between 12.4% and 25% of GPI from the compulsory motor third party liability insurance (at the indicated level of GDP decline) will have a destructive effect on the Bulgarian model of general insurance, due to the impossibility to perform the social functions of this insurance such as the protection of victims of road accidents.
  • Marina Nikolova, Marusya Stancheva Linkova
    Summary: The international scientific and practical conference on “State and Problems in the Management and Development of Agriculture” held in Svishtov on 4 October 2019 attracted a great number of Bulgarian and foreign scholars who work in the field of agriculture as well as representatives of the business in the agricultural sector. The scientific forum was attended by 83 representatives from nine countries and three continents; they presented 68 papers dealing with the organization and management of investments and innovations, entrepreneurial initiatives and diversification in the agricultural business, financial and accounting aspects, marketing, distribution and trade, information technologies, ecologization and sustainable development, legal and socio-cultural barriers of the general agricultural policy of the European Union. In the discussions during the scientific forum, we identified, analysed and assessed the current problems that accompany the development of agriculture and made specific proposals for their solutions on the basis of the expert capacity of the scientific community and the institutions that manage the agricultural sector in Bulgaria, as well as the needs of the agricultural business.