• Andrey Zahariev
    JEL: B20, B41
    Summary: The Economic Archive journal is a scientific economic publication which has been in print without interruption for as long as 75 years. As a scientific tribune for economic growth it has been printed permanently by Tsenov Publishing; it has been administered and funded by the D. A. Tsenov Academy of Economics. Throughout those 75 years (until issue 3 / 2020) the journal has published 2,637 articles by authors from over 20 countries representing over 100 scientific organizations, institutions of higher education and other institutions. The journal releases 4 issues per annum in a paper and electronic format in Bulgarian (under the name Narodnostopanski Arhiv ) and English; it is indexed in six international bibliographic databases. Its electronic archive (https://www2.uni-svishtov.bg/NSArhiv/) has supported full-text bilingual free access to all articles since 2013; via the resources of the Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), access has been possible to all articles since 2008. Over the last decade, in four consecutive years, the journal has been co-financed on the basis of projects of the Editorial Board approved by the Scientific Research Fund in Bulgaria following calls for project proposals for Bulgarian Scientific Periodicals.